From one mum’s mission to a movement

When and why was the Delivering Better campaign launched?

Delivering Better was launched in May 2024 by Jo Cruse, following a traumatic birth (learn more here). Upon learning more about the extent of the maternity crisis and its impact on parents, children and health professionals, Jo started the campaign to coincide with the culmination of the parliamentary inquiry into birth trauma.

What is Delivering Better campaigning for?

  • We’re building a powerful national coalition of voices who can advocate for the urgent attention this issue needs, push it to the top of the national agenda and keep it there until change happens.

  • Informed by our ongoing engagement with those affected by the crisis, healthcare professionals and sector experts, we are refining a specific list of policy asks with the support of the Breakthrough Accelerator team - this will be made public in the near future.

How does the crisis affect Black women & birthing people?

Black women in the UK are 3.7 times more likely to die in pregnancy and childbirth (MBRACE, 2023) and mortality rates are nearly two-times higher for those from Asian ethnic backgrounds. For more information specifically on Black maternal health outcomes, the campaign group FiveXMore has a wealth of excellent resources available on their site.

Where can I learn more?